
Hi there, I'm Kelly! Author of Live Laugh Rowe and The Intentional Blogger. I've been seriously blogging since January 2012. After an incredible year on my creative lifestyle blog and the opportunity to really invest in growing my blog, I've finally decided to start another fantastic journey here investing in YOU! I received e-mails every day from bloggers with questions about how to grow their blog, advice, tips and tricks and just about anything blogging related. I wanted to keep my lifestyle blog just that -- a lifestyle blog where I share recipes, crafts, DIY projects and life's moments.

Here is where The Intentional Blogger came to life. I love sharing blogging tips and tricks; however, I didn't want to bore my non-blogging readers with those posts. So, I started this little slice of heaven where I can answer questions, share things I'm learning along my blogging adventures, host Thee Networking Blog Hop and even feature some of your blogs. What do you think? I hope you're as excited as I am! I hope we all grow together along the way to great success!

Where did the blog name, "The Intentional Blogger" come from? If there's one thing I've learned and heard a lot of chatter about since I started blogging, it's to be intentional! Be intentional about what you write about, what you invest in, who you collaborate with, etc. In some of my posts on LLR, I've mentioned it a time or two, so the name seemed to fit the bill. This blog is written by an intentional blogger for the intentional blogger! 

Why are you on blogger? Well, the truth of the matter is that I wanted to be using both platforms in order to have no bias when sharing tips, tricks, tutorials, etc.  Soooo, this way -- I can share fun for both WordPress and blogger users.  Pretty sweet deal, right?

I hope you find inspiration, knowledge and make some new friends along the way!  

 photo TheIntentionalBloggerBeIntentional_zpsb5b71cf4.png

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I am tickled silly you're here! Seriously, this comment your about to leave will make my day... So, thank you! xo