Friday, December 13, 2013

Meet and Greet Friday | Cheerios & Lattes

Happy Friday!  I'm super excited to introduce you to Mackenzie from Cheerios and Lattes.  I had the privilege of meeting Mackenzie at Blissdom this past year.  I love her passion for blogging and her love for Jesus.  Let's get this par-tay started.   
When did you start blogging?
I began blogging in January of 2011.

What was your purpose for starting a blog? Has it changed? 
I actually had never really followed any blogs consistently before I started my own. The idea of blogging actually came from a family member who works on the ad company side of things. I told him I was completely puzzled why former teachers now stay at home moms were ‘giving away’ lesson plans and printables. It blew my mind because I knew how much work went into creating those types of things.

When he shared with me the fact that those bloggers were actually making money for sharing/creating. I immediately thought that it would be a great way to help supplement our income since I was switching from full –time teaching to part-time. Because I wasn’t working full-time anymore for the purpose of being with our boys, I didn’t feel that I could justify taking the time needed for blogging if it was just a hobby, but if it was simply sharing activities I was doing with our boys, crafts, recipes, etc. that were normal parts of our life, it was a great fit and blessing for our family! My purpose has not changed in the almost two years I have been blogging. My purpose is clearly a creative outlet that helps support our family by sharing the everyday life things we have going on. Blogging has really been such a blessing to our family not only income wise, by also by all the great opportunities it has given us together! It has truly been a ‘job’ that we DO together! We have gone of several family friendly trips, reviewed some awesome new products, received tons of great Christian books for our home library, meet some awesome blogger families, and are currently finishing up our entire sponsored nursery for our little lady coming this February!

Recently, I have had to post less than my typical 5 posts a week, as my pregnancy is in the third trimester, my energy level is lower, the holidays are approaching, and we have several big projects going around the house. The best part about blogging, is that I CAN DO THAT! I decide my schedule, what sponsored posts to accept, when I want to work, and when I don’t. Blogging truly can be a fantastic source of income and creative outlet no matter what niche they find themselves in.

What inspired the name of your blog? 
When I decided to blog, I actually choose Cheerios and Lattes because those are two things that kept our family rolling at the time; they still do today as well! You can always find cheerios in our pantry (and on the floors, and under the carseats) and espresso ready to make a latte in our home. It seemed like a perfect name because it shared both that it was for kids and for moms!

What five words describe you?
Christ-Follower, Authentic, Lover of People, Compassionate, Creative, Organized

What is your blog about? Why?

My blog mainly features recipes, DIYs, educational ideas to do at home with your kids, crafts, product reviews, and other random things that find their way into our lives.

You can also find Mackenzie here:
Facebook | Pinterest | Twitter
Google+ | Instagram

 photo TheIntentionalBloggerBeIntentional_zpsb5b71cf4.png

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I am tickled silly you're here! Seriously, this comment your about to leave will make my day... So, thank you! xo